On Approaching my ordination 2019 - a poem

You walked the hard yards for me
you were the ones told they couldn’t do it
“women aren’t supposed to be priests”
“it’s against the Bible - a sin”
“men must have authority over women”
“you’re not welcome”
“when they ordain women - I’ll leave the church”
Those were the messages you heard
Bravely you walked your truth, Kia Kaha
You held your head high, trusting in your calling.
you walked a lonely path against the crowd.

Because of you I walk this path
Words of encouragement in my ears
Smiles and hugs greeted the news of my upcoming ordination
Women walk before me, beside me, behind me. 
I too have been called and will make my vows.
You fought the battle of prejudice
that is not required of me. 

To all my ordained sisters
Thank you for this gift of joy
It is your shoulders which bear me
We are a community of love and justice.
I will walk my truth
I will hold my head high, trusting in my calling
I will walk in your company
Because, for decades,
You walked the hard yards

Aroha nui

Sue Genner


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