Ode to a shrinking lake

Was it anonymity you sought when first you changed your name?
Did that first encounter with the One change you?
was it then you became a shrinking violet?
But no, we know your wild ways
temperamental, unpredictable
not tame at all
I have seen your beauty, 
cobalt and emerald, serene, shalom
Shrinking now when once you were so plentiful
nourishing all who sojourned there
refreshing waters teaming with life

What tales could you tell of times gone by?
there was talk of fishermen leaving their boats to follow a stranger
his words still echoing on your shores
his presence stirring you as he passed by
you and wind playing your games, him sleeping in a boat atop you
the power of his breath commanding gigantic waves to peace
his footprints skimming your surface 
the enormous weight of his presence not sinking into you at all
The toes of the risen one paddling as he ate on your shores
what does risen feel like?

Your many names roll off the tongue
Minya, Ginosar, Kinneret, Tiberius
the simple one we know the best

Sea of Galilee don’t leave us now. 


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