GOD AND OUR MESSY WORLD - (Refugees & Innocents)
Matt 2:13-23 (NRSV) Matt 2:13-23 Christmas is great isn’t it? Family get togethers, wonderful feasts, giving and receiving Christmas cards & gifts, carols, soppy sentimental movies on tv… Last Sunday I spoke of Jesus our salvation and God-with-us. On Christmas day we heard of the word made flesh, the word that is love. We read John’s magnificent hymn to the incarnation. We were off to a great start. It’s a bit like one of those cartoons, there’s a dog and he sees a cat go flying past and then he’s off - gleaming eyes, pointed ears, enthusiastic barking…. only to be brought up short by the collar and chain he’d forgotten about. That’s how today’s reading feels for us. Matthew’s gospel starts a bit slowly with the genealogy, then the excitement builds - we have the story of the birth of Jesus, mysterious dreams of angels, the exotic visitors from the East. Then “crash bang wallop” (if you went to the all-age Christmas service) the holy family is in danger, they’ve bec...