Sacrament - a poem



The presence of God

It's in the sweet sacrament divine, consumed mid prayer and worship

It’s in the skill and compassion a doctor brings to her patients

The cracked voice of the dying woman as we pray the psalm together

In the beauty of a rose now blooming in her garden that she will never see

It’s in her pain and the love of her faithful friend who sits with her on this journey

It’s in the righteous anger that blazes sending a greedy fraudster on their way

In the protective love of a daughter whose turn it is to defend the one who sheltered her

It’s there in the beauty of the trees, the blue sky and billowing clouds

It’s in the music - the sound of silence, “can you feel the love?”

It’s everywhere

The world is sacrament.

(This was written after some days when my work as a GP and priest and my role as daughter came into particular focus together.)


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