
Showing posts from October, 2023

Care for creation - all talk and no action?

Ezek 18: 1-4, 25-32 Phil 2:1-13 Matt 21:23-32 Last week we read 'the parable of the workers in the vineyard' OR 'the parable of the generous landowner' depending on how you read it. One way of reading that parable is that the landowner was giving each worker what they needed to get by, a living wage in today’s terms. Every Sunday we pray the Lord’s prayer “give us today our daily bread.” Sometimes we have prayed Jim Cotter’s modern version of the Lord’s prayer.  This is the one that begins “Eternal Spirit, Earth-maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver”; when it comes to the bread petition it reads “with the bread we need for today, feed us”. This acknowledges that God is the one who provides, and it is the bread we NEED not the bread we WANT, and it is sufficient for TODAY, not a huge surplus. Just as in the wilderness with the manna, God provided the daily needs for the people every day and they were to collect just enough for their needs for that day and no more and there was